Page name: tHe SUicIdALs [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-17 03:52:29
Last author: lil_vamp_18
Owner: lil_vamp_18
# of watchers: 2
Fans: 0
D20: 11
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Welcome to:
[tHe SUicIdALs]


This wiki is dedicated to all of those people who are considered suicidal in one way or another. Whether it be cutting, or bruning, or simply writing morbid poetry.

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tHe SUicIdALs mEMbeRs
tHe SUicIdALs PoEMs

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2005-01-11 [silent J]: hey nice wiki !!!

2005-01-11 [lil_vamp_18]: thank you very much! *hugglez* MY FIRST COMMENT! YEY! i shall love you forever *squeezes tighter* i'm gonna love you and squeeze you and hug you to death XD

2005-01-12 [silent J]: ** 

2005-01-12 [Mania Rage]: *fwaps silent j* behave.

2005-01-12 [silent J]: nope...dont have to !!!

2005-01-13 [Mania Rage]: yes you do. I told you to behave, so you gotz to behave!

2005-01-13 [silent J]: ohhh said to .....Ummmm.....nah dont

2005-01-14 [Mania Rage]: *fwaps* I dunno what you ment, but you deserved a fwap!

2005-01-14 [silent J]: *covers head * stop hitting me

2005-01-14 [silent J]: *pokes lil_vamp_18*

2005-01-14 [Mania Rage]: *pouts and goes off into a corner*

2005-01-17 [lil_vamp_18]: *watches you two amused* rejects *fwaps you both* both of you behave *looks at silent j* and dun poke me

2005-01-17 [Mania Rage]: *ish in a corner*

2005-01-18 [silent J]: *pokes lil_vamp_18*

2005-01-18 [silent J]: *goes to nokagor .....why are you sitting in a corner.....?¿*

2005-01-19 [Mania Rage]: *fwaps Silent J with a pillow and hops over to lil_vamp* HA!

2005-01-19 [lil_vamp_18]: *shakes head* not make me have to seperate you two

2005-01-19 [Mania Rage]: *smiles innocently* but....*huggles lil_vamp_18* I WUVZ YOU!

2005-01-20 [silent J]: fine be that way leave little poor defensive me all alone ......*deviouse laugh* I can deal with that !!!

2005-01-20 [lil_vamp_18]: *laughs at you both* you two have some MAJOR should get that checked *stops and wrinkles nose* NO HENRY! I DO NOT WANT TO KILL THAT's WRONG!

2005-01-20 [silent J]: huh.............? ummmmmm........okay !!!

2005-01-20 [lil_vamp_18]: *smiles* yes...i am okay...i'm always okay....*stops and shouts* SHUT UP HENRY!

2005-01-20 [Mania Rage]: *blinks and looks aorund, then tugs on Lilvamp's sleeve* Phoenix is telling me to do wrong things again. @.@

2005-01-20 [silent J]: cool!...................

2005-01-21 [lil_vamp_18]: lol...wierd people...huh henry?

2005-01-21 [silent J]: who is henry !

2005-01-21 [lil_vamp_18]: *snickers* henry says i can't tell you unless you play a game wit him

2005-01-21 [silent J]: sorry not in the mood for games !

2005-01-21 [lil_vamp_18]: *laughs* i am sure yuo didn't want to play his games anyway...but maybe another time

2005-01-21 [silent J]: sure later sounds good !

2005-01-21 [lil_vamp_18]: lol...okay then *laughs* henry says he will be waiting...*snicekrs evilly*

2005-01-21 [silent J]: okay what ever HENRY says !

2005-01-21 [Mania Rage]: *blinks* Erm. Phoenix....NO BAD PHOENIX DON'T DO THAT TO J!

2005-01-21 [lil_vamp_18]: *snickers* you're in trouble

2005-01-22 [Mania Rage]: *blushes vivantly* O.O oh my Phoenix is a naughty naughty naughty girlie. O.o;; I shall be scarred for life *goes to corner, curls up into a little ball and rocks back and fourth, mumbling inchoherently*

2005-01-25 [silent J]: ..........................uh......huhhhhhh

2005-01-26 [lil_vamp_18]: if you only knew hun

2005-01-26 [silent J]: yeah must be that way ........(I'm lost .....where am I)

2005-01-27 [lil_vamp_18]: *falls over laughing* you are such a dork...if you don't know then you are screwed cause i can't help you...but beware of henry and phoenix...they are BAD! XD *hint hint*

2005-01-27 [Mania Rage]: *screeches and covers her eyes* NU PHOENIX! DON'T DO THAT TO J!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-01-27 [lil_vamp_18]: *eyes widen and squeaks following suit wit [Mania Rage]* EW!!!!

2005-01-27 [silent J]: lol........yeah ........ok......!

2005-01-28 [lil_vamp_18]: *snickers* if you only knew XP

2005-01-28 [Mania Rage]: *runs into bathroom, sounds of barfing follow*

2005-01-28 [lil_vamp_18]: *eyes widen, looks to j* that dun sound too good...wonder what exactly they did to you! O.o;;

2005-01-28 [silent J]: huh .......are you guys talkin about me .......(confused !!!)

2005-01-29 [Mania Rage]: *stumbles out of the bathroom and collapses on the couch* ......... *sleeps*

2005-01-29 [lil_vamp_18]: *looks at them both* um...okay then *looks at j* well you see any other guys around for phoenix and henry to violate?! *stops and eyes widen, hand flies to mouth* oops...

2005-01-29 [Mania Rage]: *still sleeps on the couch* .... *purrs in sleep*

2005-02-05 [silent J]: ummm.....sorry I'm so slow !

2005-02-05 [Mania Rage]: *purrs more in sleep* num num num num....

2005-04-08 [amandaguest]: have you guys tried to kill yourselves?? i dont understand

2005-04-08 [Mania Rage]: *blinks* huh? kill...our...selves? *blinks again, then shakes head* Oh! That....some may have, but the others just have suicidal tendencies, in other words, we're maschists....*wonders if she should learn how to spell correctly* o.o

2005-04-09 [lil_vamp_18]: *laughs* of course are a dorkette XP

2005-04-09 [Mania Rage]: *pouts* but..but..*cries*

2005-04-09 [lil_vamp_18]: *laughs* you freakazoid

2005-04-09 [Mania Rage]: *glomps* I'LL SHOW YOU FREAKAZOID!

2005-04-10 [lil_vamp_18]: *squeals and falls* YOU LESBIAN FREAK!!

2005-04-10 [Mania Rage]: *giggles*

2005-04-22 [lil_vamp_18]: *fwaps* hoe!

2005-04-23 [Mania Rage]: *pouts* ow?

2005-04-24 [silent J]: HI PEOPLE

2005-04-24 [Mania Rage]: *looks around through her messy hair* um...hi?

2005-04-25 [lil_vamp_18]: *fwaps nokie again* you are not to speak until i say so damnit!!!

2005-04-25 [Mania Rage]: *blinks* what?! O.o;; When did you start that rule?! >.>;; and WHAT DRUGS DID YOU HAVE ME ON! I NEED THEM AGIAN DAMNIT! >.<

2005-04-26 [lil_vamp_18]: i made it right then damnit so deal! and more drugs for dun play fair when you are on are grounded young lady XP

2005-04-26 [Mania Rage]: eh just want me where you can find me easier. XP cuffed to the bed!!!!!!

2005-04-27 [lil_vamp_18]: *winks* oh you know it baby

2005-04-27 [Mania Rage]: HA! I knew it! *goes off to look for handcuffs*

2005-04-27 [lil_vamp_18]: *looks worried a moment and then smilez evilly* YEY! i get to play wit nokie!! ^_^

2005-04-27 [Mania Rage]: *comes back with cuffs* ^_^ Who wants to play?!

2005-04-28 [lil_vamp_18]: *jumps up and down waving hand around* I DO! I DO!!!!

2005-04-28 [Mania Rage]: w00t! ^_^ *stops and blinks* O.o wait...whose gonna wear them?

2005-04-28 [lil_vamp_18]: *stops and thinks* hm...i dunno...sounds fun either way ^_^

2005-04-28 [Mania Rage]: ME! *cuffs self to a bed* XD *falls off bed laughing and hurt her arm* O.O........>.< OW!

2005-04-29 [lil_vamp_18]: *falls over laughing hysterically* you are still cuffed to the bed and you are at my will!! BUAHAHAHAHA!! *runs and jumps on nokie playfully*

2005-05-01 [Mania Rage]: YAY! XD *has been jumped on*

2005-05-02 [lil_vamp_18]: *laughs* OMG! we are so gay!!!

2005-05-02 [Mania Rage]: *blinks, quirks eyebrow* and you care because?

2005-05-03 [lil_vamp_18]: *rolls off laughing leaving nokie handcuffed to bed*

2005-05-03 [Mania Rage]: O.o;; ermmmm...ooookies?

2005-06-04 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: woah, maybe i shouldnt get involved o_O

2005-06-04 [Mania Rage]: um.....maybe you could...let me out?!

2005-06-04 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: *looks for key* ummmmm.... wait there, ill get a saw

2005-06-04 [Mania Rage]: *squeals* AHHHH! I'M GONNA DIE! o_o

2005-06-04 [lil_vamp_18]: we could not be so lucky

2005-06-04 [Mania Rage]: *glares* meanie hoe

2005-06-04 [lil_vamp_18]: *smiles* but i am good at what i do

2005-06-05 [Mania Rage]: yeppers.

2005-06-05 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: *looks absent mindedly* well i don't have a clue whats going on now.... but i got a saw ^_^

2005-06-05 [lil_vamp_18]: O.o; oh my....

2005-06-05 [Mania Rage]: *jaw drops* oh my bob!! NU! *stuggles against the handcuffs*

2005-06-05 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: what?!?!?!?!?

2005-08-10 [Slaughter™]: the suicidal

2006-01-20 [silent J]: ummm...hello !

2006-01-22 [lil_vamp_18]: hiya ^_^ whatcha up to?

2006-01-23 [silent J]: not much mostly bordum !... I took two IQ test and for some reason they say I'm smart !

2006-01-25 [lil_vamp_18]: yea...something wrong with those tests....i think we need a third opinion ^_^

2006-01-26 [silent J]: yeah I think I'm gonna take a third one and see if its correct because the others seem to be faulty !

2006-01-26 [lil_vamp_18]: are so right on that what are you up to? i am moving to missouri like on saturday...i am taking over dustins room MUAHAHAHA! at least until he gets back and

2006-01-27 [silent J]: well I am transfering to another job corps so I can get a job making big bucks so I will be able to support a family !

2006-01-27 [lil_vamp_18]: *eyebrow* why a family? you getting married or did you just knock up your little gf? but anyway dustin is prolly gonna propose sometime soon...i can't wait ^_^ wootay!

2006-01-29 [silent J]: ok I would like a family some day and I dont feel you have the right to talk about her that way she desrves just as much respect as you if not more so I would appreciate it if you would keep your mouth shut about shit that you know nothing about ! and as far as dustin proposing to you congradulations if it happens !

2006-01-30 [Mania Rage]: O_o wow, what's with you males and not being able to take jokes at all?

2006-02-01 [silent J]: I can take a joke but there is just somethings that you dont joke about and people should be smart enough to figure it out on there own !

2006-02-02 [Mania Rage]: Okay, woah, back up off my mistress, that was actually a compliment to your gf little syn- thin, which is pretty in this day and age so if you yell at my mistress again I will hunt you down.

2006-02-03 [silent J]: well then go ahead and hunt me down I will be waiting but I promise you this it wont be a pretty visit !

2006-02-04 [Mania Rage]: Oh really now? What? Think I'll be quick to knock down or somethin? Guess again damnit

2006-02-04 [silent J]: lol.... ok little miss billy bad ass show me what you got ! bet its nothin ! so go ahead and start the show so I can be quick to laugh !

2006-02-05 [Mania Rage]: uh huh. You'll be laughing alright.........

2006-02-05 [silent J]: yeah I will and you know it aswell as I do ! so go right ahead and try to do what your gonna do !

2006-02-05 [Mania Rage]: Everyone laughs when they think they're gonna die.

2006-02-05 [silent J]: yeah well I dont think about that because I know I will live alot longer for the simple reason a little simple petty piece of shit like you just isnt capable of ending my life !

2006-02-05 [silent J]: you know what I would do If I had to live a life as you ?

2006-02-06 [silent J]: I would kill my self Damnit ! with no hesitation !

2006-02-13 [silent J]: awww..........whats the matter did you run out of things to say...........awww. to sad!

2006-02-13 [Mania Rage]: no, actually, I just don't want to talk to an idiot like you when there are better people to talk to. buhbye.

2006-02-16 [silent J]: ohhhh........I see your just jelous of your own incompitance and stupidity because you cant come up with anything better to say !

2006-02-16 [Mania Rage]: um, no i'm seriously just bored with any and all males.

2006-02-18 [silent J]: oh... I see you just blaming all your problems on males ok but keep in mind you cant run or hide from your mental dissorders in case you didnt know they do resid in "your" head and no one elses !

2006-05-20 [lil_vamp_18]: jason how abotu you bite my ass...i can say whatever i want and if you don't like it you can go this point i could honestly care less whether i ever heard from you again...and as for dustin...i prefer you loose his name as well...thank you and have a nice day

2006-08-03 [silent J]: well how about you stop being a fuckin slut and suckin his family dry and grow the fuck up and stop usin him ya fuckin skanky ass hoe I dont want to hear any shit about you tellin me to lose his name because if it wasnt for me you never would have met him and you would'nt have what you do now so how about you shut the fuck up with your bitch ass bull shit and open your eyes and realize this aint no fairy tail!!!!

2006-08-03 [silent J]: Thank you and have a nice day!!!

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